Sunday 31 August 2014

The First Post

So here we are, the first post on my first ever blog !

I've set up the blog in preparation for my first book that I'm currently writing. I'm really excited.

The plot lines are going well and the story is beginning to develop. 

The characters are really coming to life, to the point that I find myself struggling to keep up with their evolution.

What is the plot ?

Well at the moment that would be really telling and I don't want to ruin the story.

There will hopefully be some twists along the way to keep you all willing the main character along.

I thought I would give you little snippets as the story unfolds to hopefully gain some interest in the book.

So for my first teaser release, I'm showing a small piece of the front cover (in its current design)

So here it is:

First Book Cover Teaser
As I continue along this exciting journey of writing / publishing I will update this blog with successes and issues (I'm sure there will be a multitude of both along the way)

Wish me luck and stay tuned......


  1. It's great to see you're writing both a blog and a book :)
    I started blogging not too long ago and I'm really happy I did.
    Good luck with your book and your blog!! I hope you have a great time!

    Lipstick and Mocha

  2. Thank you Carla N, I'm really enjoying it.

    Thanks for being the first to comment !, as a thank you id like to offer you a free ebook download of the book when its finished via the platform of your choice.

    I've added a keep up to date by email section on the right so feel free to get in touch.

    Thanks Again.

